I love posing and cuddling with precious newborns. They are so sweet! So it might surprise you when I say that the session itself isn't my favorite part of the newborn photography experience. Let me explain. As all my mommas (and daddy's too) out there know, getting out the house with a newborn is a serious accomplishment. And you get double points if you have other kiddos to get ready in addition to the 'new addition.' So I can honestly totally relate when moms sometimes think that it might not be worth it do a newborn session. But you come to the studio--sleep-deprived--but you are here. And we have a great session. You come back and view and order about a week after the session. And we ooh and aah over how cute your bundle of joy looks and you comment that he or she has already changed a bit. And then another week or two pass as we process your images and place your order. And then I call you and let you know that your order is ready to be picked up.
Spoiler alert: this is my favorite part! As mom is holding and looking at her printed portraits for the first time, I'm always looking at mom. Most moms have the same expression...and seeing it will never get old. Beyond the exhaustion and sleepless nights, your face tells me a story. It says how incredibly happy you are that you made the time and effort to have your newborn's portraits taken. Because in the short weeks between the session and the delivery of your photos, your baby has changed so much. And although you try to enjoy every moment, some of it is a blur. But the images in your hands...they are the next best thing to being able to freeze that time. And that is why cuddling the precious babies for the session has to take second place as my favorite part of the newborn session experience. Because nothing beats the look on momma's face when she sees her portraits.
And what's a blog post without images? I had a great time with the D. Family for their newborn session. I loved seeing how big brother was so attentive to his little brother. It was so sweet. And of course, it made my day to see mom's reaction when she came to pick up her order last week. In fact, it is what inspired me to write this post.