This is my little boy, who wrapped up his first year of school in May. I still can't believe how quickly Kindergarten flew by. It's funny how things work out sometimes. I actually signed the lease at our current location after dropping him off for his very first day of school back in August 2014. It was a day full of so many emotions. So here we are, almost a year later, ready for 1st grade. Time flies! As the last few weeks of school were winding down, I had an idea...but I just didn't have the time to execute it at the time. But I am too excited to wait until next spring to share it with everyone. So for my mommas (and daddies) who are preparing their little ones for Kindergarten like I was last year, I am excited to share that we will be offering a special next spring for Kindergarten Graduation. I still have to work out the details but we will most likely offer a "Quick Takes" option on a Saturday in May. So that would be the ability to come in (appointment or walk-in) for a portrait of your graduate and we would choose the one best photo to retouch and print for your package. Quick Takes packages typically start around $35 (and no session fee). We will also offer a "Mini Session" option as well. For the Mini Sessions, we will start with taking photos in the cap and gown and then do some additional portraits in an outfit of your choice. The Mini Sessions would be by appointment and we are still working on the details for that. But it's a nice option if you want to commemorate such a special time with some additional portraits. This special is perfect for homeschooled graduates as well!
And, of course, we will provide the cap and gown for the portraits.
If you want to be sure to know about this special (and a few others that are coming up this fall as well), be sure to keep up with us on Facebook: And if you want us to add you to our mailing list so you can be sure to know about any upcoming specials, you can sign up by scrolling down to the bottom of the home page of our website:
I also want to give a HUGE thanks to all of the teachers, administrators, librarians, office staff, counselors, cafeteria staff, custodians and everyone else who works in our schools to teach our babies and keep them safe. From the team at E.marie Photography, we are wishing everyone a successful, fun and safe school year!